You Are What You Read

Reviews of books as I read them. This is basically a (web)log of books I've read.

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Location: Lawrenceville, Georgia, United States

I am a DBA/database analyst by day, full time father on evenings and weekends.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A review of the last eight months

Looking over my posts since I started this blog, I can see what kind of books I've been reading, and how closely I've matched my estimate of types of books I tend to read.

I've read 21 books in the last 8 months, including audiobooks. This includes one SF book I haven't blogged about yet. That's 243 days, or about 11.5 days per book. Some overlap due to listening to audiobooks at the same time as reading books.

I've read 6 science fiction books, only 2 fantasies (Eragon, and Dr. Strange and Mr. Norrell) (plus a Harry Potter book which I'm almost finished with), one horror/fantasy (The Song of Kali), 6 nonfiction books (including David Sedaris' books), one true book of literature (Anna Karenina), 2 action novels (Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey and Maturin books), and 2 books by Philip Roth, which can be classified as mainstream or SF/alternate history.

Looking at the list, I see a couple of surprises. Only 2 fantasies (plus Harry Potter). Many nonfiction books, only one literary book. I'm surprised that I've read more SF than fantasy, but that's probably due to some books coming up to the top of my reading list at the same time. I need to find some more literary works to read (or listen to). Other than that it's been a good run.

I've also read or listened to: a couple of graphic novels, several magazines, and a couple of months worth of podcasts.

Some things on my long term reading list: Crime and Punishment; Dune; American Gods (by Neil Gaiman); Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid.


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